Created a three dimensional “nonsite” representing the experience of visiting the gravesite of Tom Landry.
Mr. Landry was the famous first head coach for the NFL Dallas Cowboys football team. He coached the team for 29 years (1960-1988) and notably always wore a fedora on the sidelines during practices and games. His gravesite is in the Hillman-Sparkman Memorial Park cemetery in Dallas, Texas. Next to the gravesite is a monument adorned with a large, bronze fedora.
My “nonsite” is an object with qualities and appearance of both a fedora and a football sitting atop an astroturf “football field”. It was created for a college Art Foundations class “Deep Maps” project.
The project required one to go on a walk outdoors and periodically capture the experience of the walk with “frottage” (i..e, process of taking a rubbing from an uneven surface to form the basis of a work of art).
“Nonsite” is a term coined by Robert Smithson to describe a three dimensional abstract “picture” for a site it represents, but does not resemble.
Last updated 30-Oct-2023.